We want to provide a platform for multimedia enthusiasts who like

  • Exchange expertise
  • create a blog about interesting events
  • provide a platform for linking own companies
  • Support other specialist groups with know-how
  • periodically organize lectures from the field

The co-operation with the HTW-Chur resulted in a coaching for semester papers under Prof. Ines-Jansky with the following video topics:

At the HTW-Chur u.a. under the direction of Prof. Martin Vollenweider on the topic: Interface Emotion, Science and Interactive Media created another 5 interesting semester papers by 10 students. You will find this work including documentation at: timerate.ch/HTW_FS_2015/SI/

So far the following multimedia products have been created:

  • SI-Signet
  • Trailer to “Swiss Industry Controller A2” Kurzversion, which was shown at the airport of Hannover youtu.be/NzGUdni1k2w
  • Trailer to “Swiss Industry Controller A2” Langversion, which ran at  Cebit on the SI-Stand
    Trailer for the common video price with the Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6ICTJbR2E8
  • Foldable flyer for the common video price with the GI. More information about this event can be found at www.gi.de/videopreis 

Example for a multimedia blog of colleague Roger Diehl of the HSLU: rogerdiehl.ch

Further details on the membership fees (discounts, collective membership, etc.) can be found in the SI overview. Registration is made via the SI entry form.