Three-Dimensional space for projects

25/03/2019 Martin Vollenweider 0

Description This idea is about helping students to improve their project work. During projects students often work in groups to develop solutions and achieve goals. Most of the time the groups consist of members with different skills, interests, cultural and professional backgrounds. In a transdisciplinary approach, different forms of research and specific methods for problem-solving have to be combined and may result in several iterations […]

Augmented Reality for the Web

16/10/2018 Martin Vollenweider 0

This blog post briefly describes how to build Augmented reality applications for the Web. We are talking of pure HTML, CSS and Javascript apps as well as hybrid solutions. Hybrid AR Applications Probably the easiest solution is to build AR applications on a hybrid basis with Cordova. It is an Open Source solution from Apache to create mobile apps with HTML, CSS and Javascript. It […]

Virtual Reality for the Web

15/10/2018 Martin Vollenweider 0

There are many solutions to create Augmented and Virtuality Apps for IOS and Android smartphones (for example Wikitude for AR or Insta for VR applications). In this blog post I will discuss the Web solutions. Therefore, I concentrate on solutions which run in the browser or are created with Web technologies (such as HTML, CSS, Javascript) on a Hybrid basis (see this article by Pietro […]

Mozilla A-Frame

A-Frame, the Mozilla Framework for Virtual Reality Experiences

27/06/2018 Martin Vollenweider 1

Virtual Reality (VR) applications allow to create virtual worlds, which can be viewed with the help of VR glasses (such as the Google cardboard). In the application it is possible to include 3D objects, images, videos, audio files as well as animation and interactivity. Viewing a VR application is impressive, since it is possible to see a 360-degree virtual world and interact with it. Amazingly […]